How can I treat my condyloma? Do I need a doctor's approval before taking the medication?

25 -year-old man4 years ago
I do not take any medication or have any allergies.
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7 hours

25 -year-old man · 4 years ago
I have seen that aldara is effective for this type of disease, can I apply it without getting professional advice?
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Sir,
It is very beneficial to consult a doctor (not even video consultation) before initiating treatment for condylomas. Indeed, if you start a treatment and it irritates the skin (a normal response of these treatments), it will be very very difficult for a doctor to examine you afterwards and be able to objectify the improvement of your symptoms (or even proceed to a change of diagnosis if the cream is not effective after all.
Also, it is advantageous to consult to be able to get a vaccine against the other forms of viruses that cause condyloma.
Bref, I recommend you consult:)
If your doctor doesn't offer video consultation, you could try a platform like Bonjour Santé.
Happy day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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