I've had my period twice in two weeks?

31-year-old woman2 years ago
I was menstruating from November 18 to 24, I decided not to start my birth control pill again after that. I didn't have anything until February 21 and I was menstruating from February 21 to 24. Two weeks later, yesterday, I started menstruating again. Note that in February, I didn't have any "premenstrual symptoms" whereas now, it's been more like a week that I have stomach aches, back, headaches, dizziness. The pharmacist prescribed me antibiotics last Wednesday thinking I had a urinary tract infection, but I didn't do any test nor did I have a fever, it seemed to have solved my problem but now I'm wondering if it was really due to a urinary tract infection.
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20 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello, ma'am, thank you for your question!
Your menstrual cycle may take some time to regulate after you stop taking hormonal contraception. Although your situation may seem unpleasant, it does not necessarily indicate a problem. On the other hand, being possibly ill, stressed, or tired, among other things, can be a cause of spotting or a menstrual cycle disorder
I hope this has put your mind at ease, so please don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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