For the past week I have had red patches on my face, my skin is dry and it heats up. Could a cream soothe it all?

24-year-old woman4 years ago
Also, the onset of symptoms corroborates with 3 things. The fact that I started a new sport rigorously which makes me sweat more than before, the fact that I got the COVID-19 vaccine or the mask (although I would surely have seen symptoms before). I also have a similar but different reaction on my hand where I have 2-3 dry red spots! I was wondering if there could be a link?
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Good evening ma'am,
It's possibly related to sweating, mixed with wearing the mask frequently.
What moisturizer are you using right now?
24-year-old woman · 4 years ago
I use aveeno, but I don't think it's necessarily made for the face, but rather for the whole body!
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
In my opinion, you need a face cream. I recommend CeraVe™, sold without a prescription in pharmacies.
We will use it on the skin morning and night. We should see an improvement in symptoms within 5 days of switching creams.
If it's still not enough in 1 week, come back to me!
Happy day,

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