Do you know what it could be? Should I take canesbalance?

22-year-old woman2 years ago
Hi, I have pain in my lower abdomen on the right I think it's the ovary... there is a little bit of blood in my discharge. I take evra and I stopped it a week ago. I don't have a fever. **other question ** I was wondering how to get a diabetes test? I seriously think I have diabetes and I would like to be tested... I urinate quite often, I have difficulty holding it in, I have headaches that I don't eat enough or too much sugar or not enough sugar, I don't feel well, heat, dizziness, palpitations...? What do you think? Thank you for your help.
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35 minutes

vicky m.lauzon · 2 years ago
To the first question, I don't think that canesbalance is adequate. It is used in cases of bacterial vaginosis; that is, when the woman's discharge is odorous and green. The pain you describe, accompanied by light bleeding, can occur during ovulation. You could take tylenol to relieve the pain and it should pass.
To test for diabetes, you can arrange with a pharmacist to have your blood sugar tested. Otherwise, if everything is normal, it would be appropriate to see your family doctor for an overall assessment.
Have a nice evening

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