Hi, for some time now, I have had irritation in my vagina... it hurts, it's as if it's always stinging me

24-year-old woman4 years ago
I tried to put some vagisil but it didn't help... do you have a solution...?
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17 hours

Maxime Laflamme · 4 years ago
do you have other symptoms?
is the irritation inside the vagina or only on the vulva?
do you have discharge? If so, what is their aspect/color?
do you have a particular smell?
do you have a new partner?
Thank you
24-year-old woman · 4 years ago
No, no other symptoms and no loss...but yes I have a new partner and it is in the vulva
Maxime Laflamme · 4 years ago
So it may be more than one thing
If you have had unprotected sex, you should consider getting tested for STIs considering you have a new partner. If not, you could try treating the condition as yeast vaginitis (Fungus infection). You may want to take Clotrimazole (canesten) over the counter at 1% applied topically twice a day for 7 days. If the symptoms go away, it may well be that it was just a fungal infection. If not, try something else or consult a doctor if necessary. Normally, in 24-48 hours you should feel a difference, if not, you should reconsult.
Thank you

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