Is it normal for my bleeding to last 11 days?

25-year-old woman3 years ago
Hi, I was wondering if it was normal to have spotting under pill continuously, yet I did not forget to take my pill. It has been 11 days that it lasts?
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7 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello ma'am, thank you for your question!
While the situation may seem unpleasant, it does not necessarily indicate a problem. In fact, spotting or bleeding is possible even if you haven't missed any pills. This can happen as a result of stress, fatigue, illness (or vaccination), or a change in schedule, among other things.
In the majority of cases, the situation goes away on its own.
Hopefully, this has been helpful to you, so please don't hesitate if you have any further questions
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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