Despite taking antihistamines, my symptoms (runny nose and sneezing) have increased significantly in the last 2-3 days. I am indoors in air-conditioned spaces most of the time. What is the solution to consider?

30 -year-old man7 years ago
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13 hours

30 -year-old man · 7 years ago
I have been taking antihistamines for several years. This year, however, for the last 2-3 days, the runny nose and sneezing have increased significantly. I spend most of my time indoors in air-conditioned areas. What is the best solution? Thank you!
Imane Raik · 7 years ago
Imane Raik · 7 years ago
The air-conditioned area can sometimes cause allergic symptoms, it is also necessary to see the presence of animals, dust or smoke
Imane Raik · 7 years ago
Avoid allergens and the first step in treatment. The use of an antihistamine (I do not know which one you use often you can change the antihistamine
Imane Raik · 7 years ago
Imane Raik · 7 years ago
Rinsing the nasal passages with salt water, a good rinse clears the mucus and allergens from the nasal passages. The use of nasal corticosteroids is also effective because they are anti-inflammatory drugs that block the allergic reaction and are usually prescribed when antihistamines do not provide relief. If necessary, if no relief is obtained, you should consult a doctor in order to get oral corticosteroids.
Imane Raik · 7 years ago
I hope I have answered your question correctly, or if you have a question about the choice of treatment, I invite you to call me at the pharmacy. Have a nice day
Imane Raik · 7 years ago
I.raik (pharmacist)

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Imane Raik

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