Does Revlimid contain enough lactose to give me symptoms? Also, can I take vitamin B12 or other natural products with Revlimid?

65 -year-old man5 years ago
Hello, I will start a medication program with ( 5 or 10 mg to be determined). I am lactose intolerant and it contains lactose but hydrated. 1) Is it effective or possible to take it with Lactaids before? 2) Is it effective or possible to take it with my daily vitamin B-12 (1200 mcg) and 1 Centrum Men 50+? and 1 teaspoon of and the same amount of and finally 1 cup a day of infusion of
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12 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 5 years ago
Hello Sir. 1) Revlimid does contain lactose, however, the amounts contained in this type of product are not likely to cause you the types of symptoms comparable to those resulting from consumption of dairy products. Therefore, you will not need to take Lactaid to avoid symptoms with this medication. 2) There should be no problem with taking vitamin B12 or your Centrum. However, taking Revlimid requires closer monitoring, including blood tests. I would advise you to discuss with your doctor and/or pharmacist whether you still need to take B12, following future blood tests. I have not found any problems with kapikacchu. On the other hand, the 2 others can involve risks at the liver level, especially when combined with other products that can affect the liver, such as Revlimid. Consequently, I cannot recommend that you take these 3 products because their effectiveness is not well established. You can also discuss this with your doctor, who will do a closer follow-up if you decide to continue taking these supplements. I hope that I have answered your questions, and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any other questions!

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