If I feel anxious, can I take a Lectopam 3 mg at bedtime if I took a Tramadol 50 mg around 8:00 p.m.? Is there a risk of interaction?

80-year-old woman4 years ago
I have been suffering from chronic pain (low back pain) for more than 4 years = tramadol when needed, and I have anxiety = lectopam when needed (I take it ± once a week). Thank you for your help.
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15 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
It really depends on whether taking Tramadol™ individually is already causing you drowsiness. If the dose of Tramadol™ you usually take does not cause you drowsiness, there is no problem with taking both, but I would recommend taking only half a pill of Lectopam™ (1.5mg).
For the longer term, it may be very worthwhile to change the Lectopam™ to a drug that is better tolerated by most people. This is because Lectopam™ lasts quite a long time in the body, and some people fall from the presence of the drug in their body (overnight or in the morning). I recommend that you discuss this with your pharmacist (once the COVID episode is behind us).
Happy day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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