If I have sex during the sugar pill period, is there a risk of getting pregnant?

25-year-old woman5 years ago
I take the birth control pill, Aviane brand.
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12 hours

Van Nguyen · 5 years ago
If you take the Aviane contraceptive regularly every day without forgetting, the week of "sugar" tablets is the one that will trigger your menstruation and during which you are still protected. What is important for the continuation of the contraception is to start a new pack of Aviane with a hormone tablet on the 8th day after taking 7 days of "sugar" tablets from your 28 day pack.
If you ever forget to take a tablet, it is important to contact your pharmacist (or us!) to validate the impact of this forgetfulness depending on where in the menstrual cycle this forgetfulness took place.
I hope this answers your question, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions or concerns!
Van Nguyen · 5 years ago
N.B.: another element to consider for the risk of pregnancy is that if you are late on your next menstrual cycle or have abnormal bleeding, it would be appropriate to take a pregnancy test and/or consult
25-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Thanks a lot! It answers very well!

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