How long will it be before I see my doctor without a period?

22-year-old woman2 years ago
I stopped all contraception in September 2022, we have been using condoms ever since. On December 29, 2022 I took the morning after pill as advised by my pharmacist. My period started from January 5th to 10th and since then I haven't had it... but since I stopped all oral contraception and intramuscular injection I normally have my period every two months.
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20 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello ma'am, if I understand correctly, your period is now 2 weeks late?
22-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Actually I don't know what is considered late if I haven't had my period for 2 months and my last period was from January 5th to 10th. So when should I start to worry?
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Thank you for the information. Your situation is a bit out of the ordinary considering that you mention that you have your period every 2 months. In this light, a delay of 2 weeks, which seems to be the case now, may not necessarily indicate a problem.
A delay can occur without indicating any problems, for example following an episode of illness (or vaccination), stress, fatigue, change of schedule or even without any detectable reason.
I suggest that you take a pregnancy test first to rule out the possibility of pregnancy.
If your pregnancy test is negative, it is suggested that you take a test every 3 days or until:
  • A positive result is obtained, or
  • The occurrence of your menstrual period.
If the absence of menstruation continues for another month and your tests remain negative, you should see a doctor.
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist

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