I exercise and I have a lot of small pimples under my breasts. What cream should I use?

20-year-old womana year ago
I get a lot of little pimples under my breasts. I work out 3 to 4 times a week, so I suspect it might be related. I'm just wondering if I can get them to go away with moisturizer (regular or with vitamin E) or if I need another kind of cream?
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19 hours

Samantha Hui · a year ago
The presence of pimples or redness between the folds under the breasts can be caused by several reasons. A fungal component is frequently seen since this is an area of the body that can be more humid than others, especially if you are physically active.
A moisturizing cream, such as Aveeno's colloidal oatmeal cream, can help relieve itching if you have it. You can try an antifungal cream, such as clotrimazole 1% cream applied twice a day under the breasts for a week. Finally, continue to practice good personal hygiene. Try as much as possible to keep this area dry and clean and change your shirt if necessary.
Have a good day,
Samantha Hui, pharmacy student
Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist
20-year-old woman · a year ago
Great thanks a lot :)

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