I have had severe stomach cramps for a few months that prevent me from doing my activities?

25-year-old woman2 years ago
I have been having severe stomach cramps for the past few months that prevent me from doing my activities. Should I really be worried or is it considered benign to have this much pain? It wakes me up at night.
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13 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Good morning, ma'am
Would you be able to identify any possible causes? Some possible causes
constipation, hunger, dehydration, taking a medication or other product, eating irritating foods, anxiety, etc.
Having said that, if you have not been able to identify possible causes, I suggest that you consult a doctor for a thorough evaluation of your condition. Indeed, pain that wakes up at night is not a benign symptom.
I hope I've been helpful, so don't hesitate if there's anything you need
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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