I have a recoil that looks like it has become infected. There seems to be a little ball of flesh coming out. This morning there is some stink coming out of it

25-year-old woman4 years ago
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17 hours

Catherine Tremblay · 4 years ago
The symptoms you describe sound like those of a panic attack (infection around and/or under the nail)
Is the affected area red, hot, swollen? Do you have a fever?
If the infection is deep, you will need to see a doctor because it may be necessary to treat with antibiotics
If the infection is superficial, I recommend this:
*Soak your finger or toe for about 10 minutes in Dakin solution twice a day. Here is the link for the recipe:
*After soaking, apply an antibiotic ointment (Polysporin or other brand) 3 to 4 times a day and apply a diachylon or other type of bandage to cover
*If, despite this, the infection progresses, it would be better to go see a doctor.
Have a nice day,
Catherine Tremblay
25-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Indeed, it is red and swollen. I don't have a fever at all, but it is very sensitive.
I am trying your superficial solution for the next few days to see if it helps!
Thank you
Catherine Tremblay · 4 years ago

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