I received the Moderna vaccine 2 weeks ago and I have nodes where the collarbone and ribs on the side where I received the vaccine. Worrying?

25-year-old woman3 years ago
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15 hours

Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
This is not a cause for concern and is normal. It is a sign that your immune system is reacting to the vaccine and producing antibodies to defend itself
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
It can take up to 3 weeks for the body to develop immunity with this vaccine.
25-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Great! Thank you very much and I guess it is also normal to feel more tired because the body is working?
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
Indeed, that's why you are more tired.
25-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you very much, it reassures me. Have a nice evening
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
Have a nice evening!

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