I have a large rectocele. Should I have an operation or not? Is it a painful operation and how long will I be out of action?

84-year-old woman6 years ago
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4 hours

84-year-old woman · 6 years ago
i have a descent of the rectum and I want to know what it consists of and if the negative side of the operation.
Gabrielle Rizzi · 6 years ago
A hernia formed by the rectum in the vagina is called a rectocele. The surgery to correct this problem is usually done naturally (vaginally). The wound is not visible (inside the vagina). It is normal to feel pain and/or discomfort in the operated area for a few days following your surgery. The surgeon will prescribe painkillers to relieve your pain. Otherwise, as with all surgical procedures, there is a risk of infection and clot formation (in case of prolonged immobilization). It is important to consult a physician quickly if you have a fever of more than 38.5°C, significant vaginal bleeding or foul-smelling vaginal discharge, abdominal pain that is not relieved by medication or pain in the lower limbs after the procedure
For more information, you can consult the following references
2) https://www.chudequebec.ca/getmedia/b25a50e2-3049-44ab-97e1-6f0b51f8e593/Cure_rectocele_et_enterocele.aspx
Hopefully this answers your question,
Have a nice evening!

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