My 2 year old has a fever and runny nose after receiving an antibiotic?

31-year-old woman2 years ago
My 2.5 year old who had 2 tx of antibiotics for double otitis (Amoxil and Clavulin x 7 days) End of 2nd antibiotic on March 4 and reappearance of symptoms as soon as the tx ended; yellow nasal discharge, cough, dlr in ear and fever on/off. Nasal cleansing done 2-3x/day since the beginning of the tx What to do? Reconsult for antibiotics? Alternative medicine to treat?
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44 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello ma'am, sorry to read about your troubles!
It is suggested to wait 5 to 7 days if the symptoms remain mild, as it is quite difficult to distinguish them from a cold or other viral infection. For now, I suggest giving Tylenol or Tempra if your child has pain, and to do nasal hygiene as often as necessary, there is no maximum during the day for the latter.
If your child has a fever that exceeds 3 days, or if his condition deteriorates, you will have to consult, by pure precaution.
I will remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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