Are there any recommendations for taking this medication? I don't have depression.

34-year-old woman2 years ago
I started the trintelillix 5mg treatment yesterday morning and I was very nauseous last night. The problem is that I have an anxiety disorder related to the phobia of vomiting so I don't feel like taking it anymore.
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12 minutes

Emmanuelle Laflamme · 2 years ago
Hello and thank you for your question,
The side effect you are experiencing right now, nausea, is common at the beginning of treatment. However, you should know that it usually lasts only a few days and then disappears
To reduce this type of side effect, we start with a small dose and gradually increase it.
If you eventually need to increase your dose to 10mg, you may choose to alternate between 5 and 10mg per day X 3-4 days to help you.
The therapeutic effect that we are looking for in terms of anxiety takes 2-3 weeks before it starts to manifest itself. So you have to get through the first few days by telling yourself that the side effects are temporary.
I hope this helps a little :)
Have a good Thanksgiving weekend,

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