I recently found out that I have been doing casework. Is the problem permanent? Who should I consult and when should I do it?

26-year-old woman3 years ago
I have allergies to kiwi and pineapple, I take the birth control pill Jencycla (generic micronor), I am in good physical shape and I have hereditary cholesterol.
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
When you say you do caseum, is it caseum in the tonsils?
If so, be aware that caseum can leave on its own, either by being expelled when coughing or swallowed when eating food. Also, in order to prevent caseum from appearing, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene: brushing teeth, rinsing the mouth after meals, avoiding eating directly before going to bed, etc.
Having caseum in the tonsils is not dangerous. It does, however, cause persistent bad breath which can be unpleasant over time. So, if the caesium doesn't go away on its own and persists, there are several ways to remove it. You could try gargling with saline water, but this method is often not very effective. Alternatively, a doctor or ENT specialist may use a variety of procedures (e.g., dental jet with a hydropulper, cotton swab curettage, laser treatment). Having the tonsils removed is the ultimate option if the caseus keeps coming back.
This way, you can talk to your family doctor who can refer you to an ENT specialist. If you ever have other symptoms like fever, persistent throat pain and others, at that time, you should consult more quickly.
Hopefully this answers your question!
Jonathan Fournier, pharmacy student, under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist
26-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you so much for your very thorough answer! I've actually been doing casework forever. I just didn't realize it until recently. I did a huge caseum in my tonsils that took 3 days to go away and was huge. Normally it is just little white balls that evacuate when I cough and eat, with no discomfort. Despite a very clean mouth and maintaining the conditions that help, I still have some discomfort from them. I was mainly wondering if I should consult a dentist or my family doctor directly. I often have small discomforts in my tonsils (like when a sore throat starts), do you think this could be related to that?
Thank you for your help,
I will make an appointment with my doctor if a caseum like the one I have resurfaced in a short time.
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
In my opinion, it is indeed with a dentist that you should discuss this situation.
And the doctor if the situation reoccurs, as you mention.
Good end of the evening,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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