What are the signs of phlebitis?

28-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, for the past 3 weeks I have had pain in my right calf that comes and goes following a foot sprain. However, I am pregnant and I was told about phlebitis. I have no swelling, heat, redness and it has been going on for 3 weeks so I guess if it was phlebitis I would have other signs? Is a phlebitis the pain goes away and comes back? Or could it be due to my sprain? What are the signs of phlebitis to watch out for?
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an hour

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question.
In most cases, phlebitis is accompanied by constant swelling of the leg, redness, pain and cramps
Although being pregnant increases the risk of phlebitis a little bit, it is still quite rare. If you think you have these symptoms, I encourage you to see a doctor.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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