My fingers are very irritated after using gel polish?

31-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I have been using gel nail polish for almost a year without any problem. However, for the past 2 months, I think I have had an allergic reaction to the products. However, I am very careful not to put any on my skin. After waiting for my fingers to heal, I tried to use it again. Since then, I feel tingling. I feel that small pimples and sores will come back. The last time it took a long time to heal. I had a lot of little cuts whenever I hooked one of my fingers. I wonder if it's really an allergy, because I tested it on my toes and I had no reaction.
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an hour

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello, thank you for your message!
It is possible that the skin on the fingers is more sensitive, since it has been irritated in the past. This already puts it at greater risk, especially since the fingers are exposed to other potential "irritants" like soaps, gels and creams.
For now, I suggest a fragrance-free cream like Base Glaxal, Cutibase, Cerave or others. In more severe cases, a more oily product such as Cetaphil, Aquaphor or even Vaseline can be suggested. They can be used as often as required, and especially after each hand washing. I suggest not rubbing too hard when drying.
It would also be wise to avoid products that can irritate the skin, at least to give it a chance to heal properly.
I hope I have been helpful to you and I am available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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