Can we give him something other than Tylenol/advil? Is there anything else we can do?

34-year-old woman3 years ago
My 2 year old daughter has been coughing at night for 3 weeks. Since yesterday, she coughs a lot more and this, at any time of the day. Moreover, she is starting to be congested since yesterday. We give her only advil. And since this morning, hydrasense.
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an hour

Melina Michaud · 3 years ago
The hydrasense is to be continued as it will help with congestion and also decrease the secretions that run down the throat and can cause coughing. It is a good practice to use Saline.
Tylenol and Advil can be good choices for controlling pain and fever if it is present. However, they will not help with the cough.
What could be tried in addition is Helixia, which is an expectorant syrup for children and adults that would help control secretions and cough.
If the symptoms persist for more than a week or if other symptoms appear such as fever or colored secretions, you should go see a doctor.

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