My daughter has rashes all over her body?

38-year-old woman3 years ago
hello, since yesterday evening my daughter has red patches with white bells across her face and arms. It stings a lot, and after about 30 minutes it disappears .... then it comes back somewhere else on the face or arms... we haven't changed anything about soap or food... she has had a cold for 4-5 days but that's all and she is covid negative. Should we consult a doctor? we have given benadryl twice... do we continue like this when we see that it stings?
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16 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello ma'am, thank you for your question!
It is quite difficult to determine the cause as you might have guessed. I am reassured that the lesions do not seem to persist (If you are willing to upload a photo, that might help a bit). In the meantime, I strongly suggest applying a fragrance-free moisturizer like Aveeno, as often as needed, there is no maximum. I also suggest favoring (if you haven't already) a fragrance-free soap like Dove, and avoiding rubbing too vigorously after the bath: instead, lightly pat the skin to leave some moisture, and apply the moisturizer within 5minutes of getting out of the bath.
If the lesions appeared less than a day ago, and your child's overall condition seems good, no need to consult at this time.
Hopefully, this has been helpful, so please don't hesitate if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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