Hello ! Do I have to fast for the diabetes pregnancy test?

25-year-old woman3 years ago
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an hour

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Hello ma'am,
There are 2 types of tests to screen for gestational diabetes. For the one where you are given a sugary drink containing 50g of glucose and your blood glucose is measured 1 hour after the drink is given, you do not need to be fasting. For the one where blood tests are required before and after ingesting a sugary drink containing 75g of glucose, you must be fasting. So I would advise you to check which test you need to take to know if you need to fast or not. If it's not clear to you, contact the testing center or the health care professional who ordered the test for you.
Hopefully this answers your question! :)
Isabelle Racanelli, pharmacy student
Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist
25-year-old woman · 3 years ago
If the 50g test I do it on an empty stomach is it a big deal? Because it's not clear which one I do
a prescription for routine 2 only
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
This isn't necessarily serious, but it doesn't have to be fasting, so in order for you to eat and have energy if possible, I would advise you to contact your prescriber or the collection center to find out for sure! :)
25-year-old woman · 3 years ago
On my prescription it says 50g /1h on the back so can I eat before?
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
If this is the option that is checked, yes exactly! :)
25-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thanks for your help!!
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
With pleasure! :)

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