What to do about teething pain?

27-year-old woman2 years ago
I have a 3 month old boy. I am not sure, but I think his gums are working. He puts absolutely everything in his mouth and has a red bottom (the diaper brand change was over 2 weeks ago and I put him on SUDOCREAM). Is there anything I can do about his irritation? For his gums, is he too young for ice milk in a pacifier?
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7 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Good morning, ma'am,
Taking acetaminophen (Tylenol, Tempra and other brands) remains the first-line treatment for teething pain
You can also use a towel with cold water and give it to your child: you can let him chew your finger through the towel, but do not leave him with the towel unattended
You should not give ice cream or food to a child of this age.
I hope I've been helpful, don't hesitate if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist
27-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Thank you very much
I wasn't talking about ice cream, I was talking about my breast milk that I would freeze for relief
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
I'm sorry, I misread!
However, cold temperature is better than ice cold. That being said, if you are giving her milk at body or room temperature, I would not recommend giving her milk at a different temperature for fear of affecting the acceptability of the milk.

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