My son has vomiting and diarrhea?

29-year-old womanil y a 2 ans
My son had periods of vomiting and diarrhea in the night of Sunday to Monday and then liquid stool on Tuesday! Wednesday no more symptoms and suddenly vomiting again in the night of Wednesday to Thursday!
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8 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · il y a 2 ans
Hello Madam,
As long as the symptoms are still temporary, there is no need to worry.
Gravol is a good solution to reduce nausea and is available in different liquid or suppository forms in particular.
I also invite you for the next few days, to favor light foods such as soups, broths, toast, eggs, rice, and to avoid very fatty or very sweet foods such as red meat and undiluted fruit juices.
Make sure your child is hydrating often, 1 sip of fluid every 3-5 minutes (do not drink too quickly as this can also trigger nausea).
Hopefully I have been helpful, I remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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