I have difficulty getting and keeping an erection, what can I do?

43 -year-old mana year ago
Problem to have and keep my erection, I have diabetes not treated, since three months I move more and eat better to help the situation
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Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
The situation you describe requires the attention of a physician. In fact, only doctors can provide a diagnosis and I think we need a clear diagnosis before we attempt a treatment option. Otherwise, we risk causing negative effects without the benefits of treatment, as well as causing a delay in addressing your current situation.
I am sorry I cannot help you at this time.
Have a good day,
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist
43 -year-old man · a year ago
I don't have a family doctor right now, do you have a clinic to refer me to in the Mirabel area
Thank you in advance
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
In this case, I invite you to consult the Rendez-vous Santé Québec platform to obtain an appointment in a nearby clinic, and you can register for a family doctor here:

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