Which is better, Advil or Tylenols, cold or hot?

30-year-old womana year ago
I worked out my calves in a dance class and what could I take to relieve it until it passes?
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4 hours

Ariel Desjardins Charbonneau · a year ago
What kind of pain do you have in your calf and also what movement hurts?
30-year-old woman · a year ago
It's like a cramp in the upper calf especially when I unfold my leg and point my feet up
Ariel Desjardins Charbonneau · a year ago
it's either being stunted or a slight muscle tear. Better cold than hot and Tylenol/advil take what you usually take
In 10 days it should be better, if not see a physio :)
30-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you so much for your reply! Have a nice day 😊
Ariel Desjardins Charbonneau · a year ago
It's a pleasure

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