What can I do to stop having pain during sex? What could be the cause?

26-year-old womana year ago
Hello! For about a year now, I often have pain at the entrance of my vagina during sex with my boyfriend. Sometimes I bleed a little bit (I've been watching and I feel like I have a little crack at the entrance towards my butt). I am always naturally lubricated (or if not we use lube). I have the impression that the rubbing forms a small crack and it is this crack that hurts when rubbing.
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17 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hi, ma'am,
Have you noticed that it depends on the length or intensity of the relationship? Does it happen with the use of a condom as well?
What lubricant do you use?
26-year-old woman · a year ago
No, it often happens at the beginning of the relationship... Yes it can also happen with the use of a condom and we use a water-based lubricant.
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thanks for the information!
Unfortunately, pain or discomfort can occur during or shortly after intercourse without necessarily indicating a problem.
I would suggest that intercourse should be avoided as long as the fissure is present to give the area a chance to heal. A moisturizer such as Replens can be applied as needed to promote healing. Otherwise, I suggest avoiding any type of soap, cleanser or douching, water is sufficient.
If it persists for more than 4 weeks without improvement, you should consult a doctor.
I will remain available if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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