What else can I do to try to improve the situation? A more effective cream perhaps?

26-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I am currently breastfeeding my 1 month old baby, everything is going well on this side, baby is taking the breast very well etc.. But I have started to have cracked nipples that sting a lot when I breastfeed I tried breast milk on my nipples, leaving my breasts open between feeds, lanolin cream
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Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
Nipples (and areolas?) only sting when baby feeds?
And between feeds, how do you feel about that?
Do you use nursing pads? If so, do you change them as soon as they get wet?
What do you think accounts for your cracked nipples, when breastfeeding seems to be going well and baby is latching on very well?
26-year-old woman · 3 years ago
It is mostly the nipples that sting, the areolas much less when I breastfeed and in between feedings also the nipples/areolas sting/itch
I don't have any pain though
it's just really uncomfortable since its stinging/itching all the time
I don't use nursing pads daily anymore (only when I go out of the house )to avoid moisture as much as possible since my nipples are cracked
and I leave my breasts out at home (at first I thought it was the constant moisture that made it crack )
Lanolin doesn't help between feedings, neither does breast milk
Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
I can't make a diagnosis.
I would recommend a medical consultation, but if possible eczema is thought to be present, you could try hydrocortisone 0.5% in a very thin layer after each feeding without rubbing or washing before the next feeding for 48 hours. If there is no improvement after this time, a medical consultation would be advised. If improvement, you decrease the frequency of application over a few days.
Some breastfeeding support organizations offer consultations with a lactation consultant. You may want to inquire.

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