My son has a sore ankle, what can I do or apply?

37-year-old womana year ago
Hello My son played the floor is lava and 2 days later he is limping and his ankle hurts. No swelling or bruising.
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16 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Good morning, ma'am,
I would not suggest heat but cold application, either a cold towel or ice in a wet towel for 10-15 minutes at a time.
Otherwise, if he sprained his ankle, he should still be able to walk/put weight on it, and it should show signs of improvement within 7-10 days. If not, he will need to see a doctor as a precaution.
I remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
37-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
With pleasure, do not hesitate if there is anything! I wish him a quick recovery!

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