What can he do to prevent his penis from stinking, a type of soap? Or something else? Thank you!

21-year-old womana year ago
Hello, my boyfriend and I have been together for a long time and he has a complex because sometimes his penis pu but it doesn't happen every day it's like just sometimes, what to do?
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a day

Pierre-Luc Tremblay · a year ago
It can be normal to have some smell at the end of the day.
The hygiene of the penis must be done every day: I suggest to use warm water. Soapy water can be used but you have to be careful with the soap you use: using a mild soap like the sensitive skin dove is ideal (do not use perfumed shower gel for example). You must also make sure to rinse well.
For men who are not circumcised, the glans of the penis should be gently decalcified to remove the smegma, a whitish substance that tends to accumulate there. Finally, the area should be dried thoroughly to prevent it from remaining wet.
If your partner still notices a bad odor frequently, I would recommend that he or she see a doctor to make sure that there is no cause for the problem.
I hope that I have answered your question correctly,
Pierre-Luc Tremblay, pharmacist
21-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you very much, it helps us a lot! Have a nice day!
Pierre-Luc Tremblay · a year ago
We look forward to hearing from you!
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions,
Pierre-Luc Tremblay, pharmacist

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