What could be the cause of his little buttons?

30-year-old woman3 years ago
My 8 month old child has had small pimples on her foot for 1 week (grouping of 8 pimples, redness and small white head, no liquid) no pimples on her hands or other feet, nothing around her mouth, no fever, her general condition is fine, soft/liquid poop, she eats DME, no new food, nor new soap, she has another pimple on her other leg of the same type as on her foot, no insect bites either, she is drilling her teeth now, but the pimple on her buttocks because of the teeth go away and come back when she drills her teeth while the ones on her feet are still there! Thank you
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21 hours

Jean-Philippe Lambert · 3 years ago
It is almost impossible to make a judgement without first seeing the pimples you are referring to (which is impossible here). I therefore recommend that you go to a pharmacy to show the pimples.
The pharmacist on duty will be able to direct you to the right product based on his observations, or recommend a medical consultation if he deems it necessary.
I'm sorry I can't be more helpful at this time.

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