Someone recommended Leritone Junior to me but I understand it is no longer available. What would be the best equivalent?

37-year-old womana year ago
Research Omega 3 for tdah 6 year old child: -waiting for a diagnosis of tdah -Sometimes escapes at night, sometimes it is often
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a day

Sarah-Yan Chagnon · a year ago
There are several products that contain omega-3 and could be used. Just read the labels carefully and pay attention to the amount of EPA and DHA, which are types of omega-3. Thus, we are looking for a product with:
  • The total amount of EPA+DHA totals 0.7g to 1.4g per day
  • The amount of EPA should be at least 50% of the DHA
NutriSea Liquid Omega-3 or Genuine Health Liquid Omega-3 have these criteria and are available in pharmacies. For comparison, Leritone junior contained the right ratio of EPA to DHA, but to have the total amount of omega-3 required, your child would have had to consume 3 capsules per day.
It should be noted that studies are contradictory as to whether Omega-3 really helps children with ADD. In fact, although several studies have shown a positive link, the improvement is often very modest, even insignificant.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist

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