I have been having digestive symptoms since I started taking Aventyl 30 mg. What should I do?

28-year-old womana year ago
Hello, I am currently taking aventyl for migraine prevention. Since I have been taking 30mg, I have been experiencing digestive symptoms. I regularly feel full and have a lot of burping after meals. I have been told that this may be similar to gastroparesis.
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Samantha Hui · a year ago
It is important to identify the cause of your symptoms in order to better manage your situation.
According to the Aventyl product monograph, it is possible to have digestive side effects: bloating, constipation, nausea, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea are the main ones. If you have recently increased your dose and these symptoms have occurred at the same time, it could signify that you may not be able to tolerate the higher dose and may need to go back to a lower dose or evaluate other treatment options if it was not effective. However, only a doctor can make a diagnosis and suggest a treatment that is tailored to the cause.
If you have no change in stool texture or frequency (diarrhea, blood, constipation), nor any significant abdominal pain or vomiting, you could try dietary changes or over-the-counter treatment before consulting a doctor.
Eating slowly and calmly, avoiding drinking while eating, avoiding drinking from water fountains or straws, and eating smaller meals are habits that can help prevent bloating. Not smoking, being physically active, and not chewing gum are also things you can try.
GasX is a medication that contains simethicone and may help reduce bloating or feelings of fullness. It is taken 2 to 4 times a day after meals as needed and the usual maximum dose is 500 mg/day. It usually works within minutes, so if you don't notice a difference, there is no benefit to continue it.
If you do not have significant symptoms such as those mentioned above, there is no urgent need to consult a doctor. However, if your condition deteriorates or does not improve despite over-the-counter treatment, I advise you to consult a physician.
I hope this answers your question,
Samantha Hui, pharmacy student
Under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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