What do you recommend? I am losing my hair gradually. I am 72 years old.

79-year-old woman7 years ago
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a day

79-year-old woman · 7 years ago
I used a shampoo prescribed by the hairdresser. I take medication for cholesterol and glaucoma. I have been suffering from hepatic steatosis for a short time and my doctor advises me to lose weight (I weigh 142 lbs and am 5'2" tall.
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 7 years ago
Hair loss can have several causes, depending on the location and onset. Aging (after the age of 50) is an irreversible cause of hair loss and can change the texture, shine and hydration of the hair. Also, stress, certain vitamin deficiencies and certain illnesses can also be the cause. So, if you are very concerned about your hair loss, you should consult a doctor to rule out all of these possibilities.
However, the first thing to do in case of hair loss is to apply certain habits to limit the damage to hair that can cause hair loss. Thus, one should:
- Apply moisturizing shampoo and conditioner at all times.
- Avoid/limit intense heat sources (dryer).
- Avoid/limit chemical products (ex: relaxers, styling products, dye)
- Avoid exposure to the sun and chlorine.
- Avoid anything that can dry out/damage (e.g. excessive combing) the hair.
Concerning over-the-counter medications, we are quite limited. The only product available is Rogaine, which can be used in women in the case of alopecia. Alopecia in women presents itself as a significant loss of hair on the top of the head only. You can discuss this with your pharmacist. Otherwise, there are certain vitamins sold for this purpose (e.g. Nutricap), but the data on their effectiveness are inconclusive and limited
See you soon,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 7 years ago
Transmitted May 30, 2017
79-year-old woman · 7 years ago
Thank you!

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