Can I take Benadryl if I am taking Cipralex?

31-year-old woman6 years ago
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19 hours

31-year-old woman · 6 years ago
I think I have allergies, it's the first time it's happened to me and it's very uncomfortable (watery eyes, runny nose, sore throat). I take Cipralex 10mg. Can there be any interaction between this medication and Benadryl? Thank you for your help!
Charles Dagenais · 6 years ago
There are no interactions between these 2 drugs
Charles Dagenais · 6 years ago
On the other hand, depending on your symptoms, I suggest an anti-allergic such as Reactin or Claritin, which in addition to having a longer effectiveness than Benadryl, will not cause you drowsiness.

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Answered by

Charles Dagenais

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