Hello! What natural products should be avoided with antidepressants (effexor)?

34-year-old woman3 years ago
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16 hours

Raphaël Parent · 3 years ago
Many natural products can interact with medications and it is difficult to list them all. Moreover, an interaction does not necessarily mean that the association is contraindicated. It all depends on the severity of the interaction and the risk of associated side effects.
Venlafaxine (Effexor), like many antidepressants, has antiplatelet effects, which may increase the risk of bleeding when combined with natural products that irritate the stomach or may thin the blood.
In addition, since venlafaxine increases serotonin levels in the brain, combination with other serotonin-increasing products could theoretically increase the risk of serotonin syndrome.
Finally, venlafaxine is eliminated by the liver through certain metabolic pathways, so combination with products that interfere with its metabolism could increase venlafaxine blood levels and cause adverse effects.
Please note that these are only examples of possible interactions and many other mechanisms could be involved. This is why it is important to consult a pharmacist before taking any natural products and over-the-counter medications on the shelves when taking medications prescribed by a physician.
In order to better answer your question, would you please tell me which natural products you would like to use? This will allow me to do some research to ensure that the combination with venlafaxine (Effexor) is safe.
Raphaël Parent, Pharmacist
34-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Hello! Thank you for your detailed answer. I take several natural products, here is the list:
- multivitamins
- zinc
- phosphatidyslerine
- licorice and ashwagandha blend
- 5-HTP
- l-thyrosine
- probiotics
And from time to time:
- Maca
- Collagen
- Various herbal teas: valerian, passion flower, peppermint, chamomile.
Thanks a lot!
Raphaël Parent · 3 years ago
Licorice, peppermint and chamomile could potentially interfere with the metabolism of venlafaxine and increase its concentrations in the blood. However, these are not major interactions and the clinical impact is controversial. You can therefore try taking them while monitoring for adverse effects. If it's well tolerated and you don't notice any side effects, you can continue them without concern.
In addition, 5-HTP can increase serotonin levels in the brain and thus the risk of serotonin syndrome. The combination is not necessarily contraindicated, but caution should be exercised. If you do not exceed the recommended doses of 5-HTP, you can also try taking it while monitoring for adverse effects. If symptoms such as tremors, irritability, restlessness, palpitations, sweating or diarrhea occur, discontinue the combination immediately and consult a health care practitioner.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions,
Raphaël Parent, Pharmacist
34-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you very much for your answer. From what I understand, the supplements you didn't mention would be ok to start at the same time?
Raphaël Parent · 3 years ago
After doing some research, I have not found any known interactions with other supplements, but since there is very little data with many natural products, we cannot rule out the possibility that there are in fact interactions. There have just not been any interactions reported yet, so it's not a certainty that there aren't any. That is why you should always be cautious with all natural products and consult a health professional as soon as you think you are experiencing side effects.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions,
Raphaël Parent, Pharmacist

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