How long does Prevacid work?

32-year-old woman2 years ago
Hi, 7 week old baby with severe reflux who had esophagitis at 3 weeks. She took zantac for 1 week, it worked 3 days and then back to square one. She changed to prevacid afterwards and since then she has been doing better. We take neocate milk. However, she drinks small quantities, doesn't gain much weight and fidgets a lot during and after the feedings, so the feedings at 11am, 3am and 6am are agitated and difficult. Even though she is drinking, she wakes up at 4:30-5:00... I'm getting tired and out of energy. Is it possible to give 2 doses? At what time of the day should I give the medication?
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3 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello ma'am, thank you for your question!
The usual dosage is once a day, usually before the first drink of the day. Prevacid is given according to the child's weight, so I invite you to consult your pharmacist to see if the dose is optimal.
Having said that, I want to reassure you that the fact that your child seems a little agitated during and after feedings does not indicate a problem. Keep in mind that even with treatment, he is still basically learning to digest on his own. As long as he gains weight (even if it's a little) and wets his diaper, no need to worry :)
Hopefully this was helpful, don't hesitate if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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