What can I do if Reactin is not enough for my cat allergy?

29-year-old woman3 years ago
I have been taking reactin for 1 week for my cat's allergies and I had no symptoms. Since yesterday, I am congested and I have a cough. I have had my cat for two weeks. I had no symptoms, but since yesterday I'm sneezing all the time and I'm congested despite taking reactin. I'll give myself another two weeks to see if it gets better. Questions : - Can I take 2 pills a day? I am taking 24 hour pills, but I am wondering if I can increase the dose. I don't have any history and/or side effects with the current pills. - Can I combine the Reactine pills with a decongestant? Thank you very much!
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14 hours

Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 3 years ago
The maximum dose of Reactin is 10mg over the counter, or one tablet. Higher doses must be prescribed by a physician, as they require follow-up
It is possible to combine a decongestant either in tablet or spray form. Be aware, however, that decongestant sprays should not be used for more than one week, as they may rebound. For decongestant tablets, watch out for formulations that are combined with other ingredients that are sometimes similar to Reactin. Saline would also be a good choice for you, as it would irrigate the allergens in your nose
Also, if you ask your pharmacist, he or she can recommend a cortisone-based nasal spray (example: Flonase, Mosaspray). This spray is available at the drug store without a prescription. This type of product is used when allergy tablets do not work and is much more effective than decongestants
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 3 years ago
We look forward to hearing from you,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist

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