I have been taking Prometrium for some time, with estrogel. I have always been unable to swallow tablets or pills.

59-year-old woman4 years ago
I panic every night, I've almost choked a few times and while it may be psychological, it's still super hard for me. I've tried it in applesauce, yogurt.... I know it's best not to bite for stability, but...please tell me it's possible as a last resort. If not, I think I will stop the hormone therapy
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14 hours

59-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Is there another form of progesterone other than a capsule? Patch, gel, injection....?
Gabrielle Martel-Rondeau · 4 years ago
Hello, ma'am,
Progesterone injections are available, but this type of product is not usually used routinely in combination with estrogens in a menopausal context. I think the easiest solution for you would be to contact your pharmacist or doctor to change your Prometrium for Provera. Provera is another type of progesterone that can be used for menopause and comes in a tablet form that is relatively small and can be cut or crushed and mixed with applesauce or yogurt.
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate.
Have a nice day!
Gabrielle Martel-Rondeau, pharmacist

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