Hello, I have been taking 5mg of Immovane for 10 years every night.

62-year-old woman3 years ago
I would like to do a withdrawal quietly to avoid the effects ''rebound''. I started to take 2.5 Saturdays and Sundays. Could you give me an idea how to do it successfully, but quietly.
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18 hours

Amal El aliti · 3 years ago
Hello and sorry for the delay in responding, I had a technical problem
So as far as I understand you don't need to take Imovane on a regular basis anymore. Yes, we can wean you off and you can continue what you started. Every two weeks we reduce by 2.5mg, maintain Saturdays and Sundays 2.5mg for two weeks, then reduce Friday by half and maintain two weeks then Thursday and so on and if you feel the effects (irritability, agitation, insomnia..), we can extend more instead of 2 weeks, we will spread over 3 weeks
Do not hesitate if you have any other questions

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