I had foreplay with my partner and I started bleeding very clear blood and a cap but I am not in my week?

26-year-old woman4 years ago
We discovered 1 month ago that I had a cyst on one of my ovaries.
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4 hours

Andréa Hébert-Bernier · 4 years ago
Bleeding can be caused by several factors that are not necessarily serious. A cyst can indeed cause bleeding, but also a hormonal imbalance, stress, medication, etc. There is usually nothing to worry about unless the bleeding becomes more and more abundant (hemorrhaging), pain sets in or you have a fever
Andréa Hébert-Bernier · 4 years ago
Make*** fever (sorry autocorrect)
Andréa Hébert-Bernier · 4 years ago
How are you doing today? Is the bleeding still present?

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