What can we do to help? Is it necessary to consult or to do a covid test?

32-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, my 14 month old son has had abundant secretions for 7 days now. At first they were transparent, but since 3 days they are greenish. He coughs sometimes (probably an accumulation of secretions), but does not have a temperature. He has no other symptoms. We use the baby fly 2X a day and tried hydrasens baby, but he had a nosebleed so we stopped.
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18 hours

Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
The fact that the secretions have thickened and become colored makes us think that it may be a different infection from COVID (usually the secretions are transparent or even absent in COVID).
Saline can be continued, but in the form of drops that are dripped into the nose while lying down, instead of a spray.
Be sure to keep him well hydrated and keep the humidity in the house at a good level (around 40 to 50%).
You can use Helixia syrup available in pharmacies, it is safe for his age and can help reduce symptoms.
If he starts to have a sustained fever, to become sullen, to eat or drink less, it will be more prudent to consult
Have a good day!

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