My 15 month old son has extremely sore bottoms?

29-year-old woman2 years ago
My 15 month old boy has an extremely sore bottom. It looks like a burn. I would even use the expression "his skin is bloody". He doesn't have any pimples. He screams and struggles with every diaper change. It was even worse when we tried to put him in the bath (only water, no soap). Clarification: he did not stool more frequently today and we did not change the products we use (wipes, diapers, soaps). Mystery and gumdrop! What can we do to help him? Is it a good idea to use a cream (like Sudocream)? So we don't know where this "burning/irritation" is coming from.
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a day

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question!
In fact the first strategy is to protect the skin with a zinc-based ointment at a concentration of 40%, at each diaper change.
For the next few days I would encourage you to check the diaper often, and change it as soon as it becomes soiled.
If you don't notice any improvement after 3-5 days, I would advise you to see your pharmacist for alternatives.
Hopefully you have been helpful, please feel free if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist

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