Why should metronidazole not be taken with alcohol?

34-year-old woman7 years ago
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15 hours

34-year-old woman · 7 years ago
I was just prescribed it for vaginosis, but I have an end-of-term party this weekend. Is this serious?
Van Nguyen · 7 years ago
Indeed, unfortunately, metronidazole is one of the few drugs for which it is very serious to take with alcohol, even a small amount. This antibiotic completely stops the metabolism of alcohol so even a small amount can build up in your system and cause significant side effects (nausea, flushing, dizziness, vomiting, etc). This side effect is called the antabuse effect and some medications cause it, including Flagyl (metronidazole).
Note that it is recommended to avoid alcohol not only during the antibiotic treatment but even up to 3 days after the treatment has stopped.
Hopefully this will be helpful, thank you for asking before something bad happens!
Van Nguyen · 7 years ago
P.S.: many medications are not recommended with alcohol simply because of the irritating effect (stomach and bladder) so it would be less serious. But this is unfortunately not the case for metronidazole which is serious with the least amount of alcohol. Therefore, it is necessary to have one more caution to avoid.
34-year-old woman · 7 years ago
Wow! Thanks for the explanation. And for your involvement. I will refrain from consuming alcohol in this case.
Van Nguyen · 7 years ago
It's a pleasure! Thank you for taking the time to ask the question and for being curious. It will save you from adverse reactions to your medication!
Van Nguyen · 7 years ago
Have a nice day!

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