I had a bleeding period twice this month, is this normal?

19-year-old woman2 years ago
On April 2 I had unprotected sex. I am on the pill. A few days later I fell in my week. Around April 17 I think I fell back into my week, but heavily. As of today I am still not in my week. I did a test and I was negative, but I'm afraid. My period lasts about 4 days. I usually fall into my week at the end/beginning of the month. But having my period twice in the same month with such a short interval scares me...
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6 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello ma'am,
While it may seem unpleasant, it doesn't necessarily indicate a problem, especially if you don't have other symptoms. It can happen even if you take birth control regularly, and usually goes away on its own.
If your pregnancy tests were done at least from the first expected day of bleeding, the result may be reliable.
If you are willing to do so, I encourage you to continue taking the contraceptive as planned.
Hopefully, this has reassured you, so please do not hesitate if you have any further questions!
19-year-old woman · 2 years ago
So I continue to take the pill even if I don't fall within my week? If I don't fall in my week soon should I retest?
Is it okay if I fell in my week twice in the same month?
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Yes you can continue taking the pill. You can retest from the first expected day of bleeding.

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