Is it possible to take a syrup like calmylin or something else because I usually need it to get through my bronchitis. Thank you

34-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I am almost 37 weeks pregnant with bronchitis that goes on and on despite sinus rinses, asthma pumps and nasonex, the cough is intense and I can't take it anymore.
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3 hours

Melina Michaud · 3 years ago
Calmylin contains codeine. As much as possible, we try to avoid taking this medication in the first and third trimesters, especially near delivery, as there may be repercussions on the child (withdrawal signs at birth). However, these symptoms are seen more frequently with chronic codeine use
In the case of just a few doses in the next few days, I think that would be acceptable if nothing else works.
34-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Perfect thank you very much, I would use it as a last resort though!
Melina Michaud · 3 years ago
Excellent! Take care of yourself!

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