Is it possible to take 2 syrups at the same time?

35-year-old woman3 years ago
Is it possible to combine a Personal Ivy syrup (expectorant) and a Green Mouse herbal syrup (echinacea, thyme, marshmallow, lanceolate plantain, black elder, mullein and propilis) for a 1 year old baby with a bad cold (runny nose and eyes, sneezing and coughing)?
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17 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Thank you for your question!
First of all, if you have to give him 2 syrups because they are ineffective, I strongly suggest that you stop them. In any case, no syrup has been proven to be more effective than drinking to reduce coughing.
In children (and adults for that matter), coughs are most often caused by runny noses that go down the throat from behind.
The best solution is nasal hygiene with saline solution, such as Hydrasense and other baby flies. They are very effective and safe, and can be used as often as desired during the day, but at least 30 minutes before naps and bedtime.
Removing secretions will help reduce or even prevent coughing
I hope I have helped you and I am available if you have any other questions.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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