Is it possible that my fatigue, headaches and nausea are symptoms of long COVID?

35-year-old woman2 years ago
On April 25, I had a tingling episode on the left side of my body. It stopped after 5 minutes. On May 6, I went to the emergency room as I had the same thing again, but this time the numbness did not stop. I had a brain scan and blood tests. I had a 24-hour holter. The results are normal. I am waiting for an echocardiogram. On May 16, I went back to the emergency room for sudden headaches on my left side. I had a brain scan with iodine, everything was fine, I was prescribed Naproxen for 7 days. On May 26th, I go back to the emergency room for shortness of breath and extreme fatigue that leads to vomiting and that even after 12 hours of sleep, I am not resting. I was found to have pneumonia. I received antibiotics and cortisone for 5 days. Everything is fine with that until this Sunday. Fatigue starts again, vomiting and unable to do any simple activity like eating dinner. I went back to the emergency room on Monday June 13th. They did a lung x-ray again, he said everything was normal like last time (he told me I didn't have pneumonia on May 26... contradicted the doctor). Do a myocardial echo since I am still short of breath. Finally, my diagnosis is psychological. He prescribes me Trazodone to sleep better. When I talk to different people, many tell me that people around them have long covid and that what I describe to them is the same as them. I have not had a positive covid test. Is there a possibility that this could be it?
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23 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Good morning, Mrs,
Unfortunately it is impossible to make this kind of diagnosis because it is a procedure reserved for doctors, especially since the symptoms associated with long COVID are not specific at all
I am reassured that you have received medical follow-up for your condition
You seem not to trust the diagnosis that was suggested for you (psychological origin), have you thought about following this avenue and consulting a psychologist or psychotherapist?
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
I haven't heard back from you, so don't hesitate if there is anything!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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